How It's Made.

Front view of Installation, metal structure,Metal and Acrylic sculpture, Tension belts, Rotation motor and Digital projection of film.

Metal and acrylic sculpture acting as another surface for the 'Hows It's Made' film thats being projected to bounce off of aswell as the white wall behind sculpture.

Solid and Shadows of physical structure in the space corresponding with film being projected

Right hand side shot of how each piece works together as a collective

Close up section of structure, object and projection

close up of tension belts wrapped around metal frame to hold the rotation motor and sculpture in place
How does the virtual image read over the analogue object? The analogue object acts as a link between the virtual and physical space, changing and transforming the relationship between each media. Through this visual experience the audience gets to see how an artist uses their intuition to change the available space to a desired effect and also how they overcome certain obstacles caused by the surrounding space. This being inspired by constructivism, abstraction and colour. Using rotation of unusual shapes in the film allows me to play with the colours people see using natural lighting, colours can seem duller or brighter depending on the angle.
Using a kinetic element to reflect, retract and hinder frames of the film while using visual and audio I hope to immerse the viewer in the film, this is inspired by the works of Rebecca horn. ‘The virtual’ by Rob Shields has given great insight to the virtual history and how I could use this to my advantage through representational and regenerative stages throughout my work the originate content. The process of work; not seeing the whole virtual world (space) but only seeing the space that is envisaged on a physical surface, shown in a dimensional space and representational objects that of the virtual. I aim to create the answers to the questions that I will continue to ask using different methods. Also considering the workings and the methodologies of Elad Lassry, Rachel Harrison and Alexandre Estrela by their common use of playing with virtual space and spatial awareness with use of different medias an image, film and sculpture